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Juniors 12&U – Next Session starts January 15 with Coach Christine Paulsen!

A fun way for children to learn the game of Tennis! This program uses the Quickstart Tennis play format with smaller courts, smaller racquets and pressureless balls, which makes learning quicker and most importantly, makes tennis so much fun! Come to Lobo Tennis Club to learn the tennis ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) in the comfort of our indoor tennis courts!


Ages 3 to 4 – Cubs Red Ball Pre-Rally Tuesdays 4-5pm

Ages 5 to 7 – Little Lobos Red Ball Tuesdays 4-5pm

Ages 9 to 10 – Future Lobos Orange Ball Tuesdays 5-6pm and/or Thursdays 5-6pm

Ages 11&Up – Lobos Green Ball Thursdays 4-5pm

Cost: Lobo Tennis Club Members: $105 for 7 weeks (1 session per week) $210 for 7 weeks (2 sessions per week) [If you sign up more than one child, you will receive the member rate]

Non Members: $140 for 7 weeks (1 session per week) $280 for 7 weeks (2 sessions per week) [If you sign up more than one child, you will receive the member rate]


Text Coach Christine Paulsen for more information or to sign up at 505-331-1524. Please provide the following information to register: Childs & parents name, contact number, email, age and day or days interested in.


This Saturday, January 12th at 6pm in the Bubble! 

Enjoy FREE PIZZA while you are entertained by the current UNM Men's Tennis Team vs the Alumni! The Alumni are coming out strong - J Phillips, J Kowalski, J Parkes, M Jones, J Wood, C Ho, B Scott, R Canada, A Dils, B Altman, R Jaramillo, B Van Leijsen, R Jauregui, M Neeld and many more! This will be a great family event, everyone is welcome, let's get the bubbles rocking! Donations will be taken at the door. Thank you for your continued support of our teams! Go Lobos! 


Come and join the UNM Men's Tennis Team and coaching staff on Saturday December 1st for our annual Turkey Burn post thanksgiving clinic. The clinic runs from 11am-1pm. Please share among the ABQ tennis community, EVERYONE WELCOME WHATEVER LEVEL NTRP, open to men and women, all welcome! This is a great way for us to facilitate our budget and provide great opportunities to our team while promoting our program. We will keep you moving and have a great high energy workout to burn off those thanksgiving indulgences. Cost: $50 Members, $55 Non-members To sign up for our clinic please call the club at 505-925-5991, or email to RSVP to this event! Thanks for your continued support! Go Lobos! 

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