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Join us this Sunday 11/26 10am-noon for a tennis workout clinic to burn off your thanksgiving turkey and benefit the UNM Men’s Tennis Team!  The clinic will incorporate a high intensity drill setting with circuit training and tennis instruction. Run by Ben Dunbar (UNM Men’s Tennis Head Coach) and Robin Goodman (UNM Men’s Tennis Assistant Coach) and using some former players as part of the drill this will be a fun two hours of tennis! Come and support your UNM Men’s Tennis Team and get a great workout in!

$40 members / $45 non-members

Sign up by calling the club at 925-5991 or emailing



A fun way for children to learn the game of Tennis! This program uses the Quickstart Tennis play format with smaller courts, smaller racquets and pressureless balls, which makes learning quicker and most importantly, makes tennis so much fun! Come to Lobo Tennis Club to learn the tennis ABCs (agility, balance, and coordination) in the comfort of our indoor tennis courts!

Days: Tuesday or Thursday, October 24 to December 14

Times: 4:00 – 5:00pm OR 5:00-6:00pm

Prices for one 7 week session:

One day per week: $105 per 7 week session

Two days per week: $210 per 7 week session

(no sessions on Thanksgiving week)

Teaching pros for the 10&Under Session will be Christine Paulsen and Colby Meeks!

To register please contact Lobo Tennis Club at or 925-5991. (Indicate which day(s) and time slot your prefer). Payment is due at time of registration or on the first day of each session.

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