We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the Loren Dils Labor Day Classic tournament this weekend! The draws are set and we're settling in a for a great weekend of tennis! Come out and support Loren Dils - all money raised goes to Loren in his fight against ALS.
Our raffle is shaping up nicely, with more than $700 worth of raffle prizes that have been donated by Lobo Tennis Club teaching pros and the coaching staff for the UNM Men's/Women's tennis teams. We have numerous free lessons (both private and group), racquets, shoes, and stringing!
Raffle tickets are 1 for $5 and 3 for $10. The drawing will be on Monday and you do not need to be present to win.
There are 3 ways to buy raffle tickets:
1. Cash or check at the tournament
2. Paypal to lorendils@gmail.com or go to lorendils.com and click on donate. Bring your receipt dated Sep 1-4 to the tournament to get your tickets.
3. Go to gofundme.com/lorendils and make a donation. Bring your receipt dated Sep 1-4 to the tournament to get your tickets