Junior Match Practice

Match Monitor: Coach Matt Neeld, Former Player UNM Men’s Tennis Team Price: $20 12 spots available Level: Juniors 18 & Under tennis players that are able to play and score YOU MUST SIGN UP WITH ANOTHER PLAYER. This will be singles play, but you must sign up with another player so we have an even number. Juniors will play two practice matches (tournament conditions), 2 out of 3 full sets. These will be singles matches, and occasionally doubles. Matches may be co-ed against players of various ages “A Match is a Match”. To sign up, call the Lobo Tennis Club at 925-5991 or come to the club and put your names on the sign up sheet. These will be tournament style matches with no referee, so you have to use good sportsmanship to get through your match. Matt Neeld will assign matches, you will not be allowed to turn down a match. We only want players who want to play for practice. If you want to do better in tournaments, you need as much match practice behind you that you can acquire. There are good hitters, and good players. Which do you want to be?